Professional Mountain Walking Guide
Reg. Nr. WC 13274
June 2023 /Santie Gouws
Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa
On the second day
- it was not sudden -
the wind was born.
Proteus' inflicted curse,
or perhaps the oceans breathed her out
just to inhale her again a month later.
She sighed pained stories,
tormented tales of destruction.
Born old,
she might've been wise if not so wild.
Overcome by jealousy at the rising wonder,
everyday she grew stronger and stronger,
swallowing whole rainbows,
covering Huriǂoaxa
in a cloud.
For days and days,
she lamented in anguish,
- storms and hail -
thrashing the mountain,
whipping the oceans
and everything else
into a frenzy
of down-pouring
Finally exhausted
from her devilish trick,
- tattered crows flying about -
eyes wide open
she fell asleep,
a moment of rest
in the lion's lap.
HURIǂOAXA is the name the KhoeKhoe gave Table Mountain, meaning 'risen out of the ocean'
PROTEUS, in Greek mythology, is the son of Poseidon, a sea-god who could see into the future, but had to be forced to tell it, changing form whilst doing so. The Protea Family of plants occurring on Table Mountain, is named after Proteus.
SOUTHEASTER is the infamous prevailing summer wind occurring on the Cape Peninsula, Cape Town and Table Mountain that will literally blow you off the mountain if you don't watch out
The lion refers to Lion's Head, a smaller mountain peak overlooking Cape Town, famous for sunset summit hikes
Have you heard the mountains calling? WHATSAPP Santie today to start planning your personalized PRIVATE GUIDED HIKING EXPERIENCE!